Peer Review Template

Learning Pod: #6

Peers’ Names: Jin, Peter, Zhihao Cui, Chuyi Zeng

Interactive Learning Resource Topic: Personal Finance

Identify components of the Interactive Learning Resource that might be missing (e.g., appropriate outcomes, alignment, interactivity, inclusivity, technology use and rationale, presentation, grammar, spelling, citations, etc.).

– The references of the interactive activities are missing from the reference list.
– Besides the interactive activities, learners are supposed to have other activities but missing from each topic.
– Missing the reference and citation of the chart in the section “Question 4: What is the trend of personal finance?”.

Provide a summary of The Interactive Learning Resource’s strengths and weaknesses. Draw out specific examples from your peers’ work to justify your feedback.

Overall, this is a very comprehensive Interactive Learning Resource (ILR) that contains basically everything needed. Each section is also clearly thought out. Peers did a good job on editing. There seem to be no spelling or grammar issues.

I really like the interactive activities included in each of your topic and your detailed introduction and explanation of them. For example, you use the site Glimpse to let learners to see the theme of today’s emerging personal finance trends.

I also like the section of “Overview Of The Assessment Plan”. You detailly stated that Quizlet will be your technology platform for assessments, and you are going to use single-choice and multiple-choice question to test your learners. You describe the content of the multiple-choice questions in each section separately and which part of the learners’ knowledge they will test. For example, “The questions in the first part are single-choice questions, which are all related to the most basic theoretical knowledge and are used to test the degree of learners’ mastery of theoretical knowledge”. 

For the section “A Rationale For The Technology Choices”, I did not get the connection between Google Docs and single parents with full-time jobs and children. Why can Google Docs let single parents with full-time jobs and children study in their free time? Maybe this part needs more clarification.

Furthermore, in the section “Learning Design”, I think there is a lack of more detailed explanation and plan for your direct instruction teaching method. How are you going to use direct instruction teaching method in your ILR and how is this method related to your learning design? This part is a bit unclear.

Moreover, the section “Learning Outcomes” is a bit wordy and could be more concise.

Provide general, specific, and practical recommendations to your peers on how to improve their Interactive Learning Resource. 

Overall, you did a wonderful job on your ILR! But in addition to adding the missing components, there is still room for improvement. First, you could make more explanations to the connection between Google Docs and single parents with full-time jobs and children. For example, you could mention that Google Docs is concise, free, or other points that are particularly helpful for single parents. You can also consider its continuity, such as the automatic saving. Because single parents may encounter some unexpected events, such as a crying child or something like that, when the attention will be diverted to the child, it is easy to forget to save the file. But with the automatic saving, you don’t have to worry about it. Furthermore, you could add more explanations to how you are going to use direct instruction teaching method in your ILR and how this method is related to your learning design. Moreover, I think it would be better to concisely list the learning outcomes one by one rather than just writing everything in a paragraph.